Inspiration can come from anywhere 

You just never know where inspiration might strike. When I was coming up with the Jenesis branding, I knew I wanted to use my favorite color (mint green), along with a deeper green that would anchor it and a third color to add interest and tie it all together. I looked around my house and thought I might as well pattern it after my decor. After all, even though Jenesis isn’t just about me but about a strong and dedicated team of people, our branding should still stem from a place that feels authentic even if no one knew precisely where the inspiration came from. Yellow and coral are the other two colors you’ll find all over my home besides the greens, and yellow didn’t feel quite right…so coral it was.

We’re targeting professional services firms who aren’t boring and who are looking for non-stodgy marketing their clients can feel connected with, so it was imperative that our brand feel fun and professional at the same time…because this is also what we aim to offer for our clients.

A name that says it all

The name Jenesis is an obvious play on my name…but it’s more than that. A “genesis” is a new beginning, a fresh start. My life has been full of new beginnings in more ways than I can count; I have found myself being not reinvented so much as finding my way back home to my true self a little more and a little more. The agency itself is also a new beginning, both for us and for many former bbr marketing clients who needed a new home when the firm closed. While our team isn’t new to marketing and some of us had collaborated together before, we’re new as an 8-person unit. And we also aim to give our clients a fresh take on their marketing. So the name is a perfect fit.

An icon that’s…uh, iconic

Our logo comes from a symbol I found over a year ago when drumming up branding ideas for a client, when I was doing my solo thing as a marketing-department-in-a-box and way before this agency was a twinkle in my eye. The swirl is my take on a symbol that literally means “to begin anew.” I didn’t end up using it for that client because it ended up not being a fit for her, but I saved it in my literal and figurative files because I knew someday it would be ready to be used somewhere (even if it was just my next tattoo). I kept thinking I wanted something iconic for Jenesis and suddenly remembered that symbol…my heart started pounding when I made the connection, and the entire branding just flowed out of me.

We are so excited to begin this journey with you and find some inspiration that offers a new beginning for your marketing momentum…even if it comes from an unlikely source. Reach out and tell us your story!